Tip for March 31st 2009

<p>Buy Tata Motors&gt;176.1,182,186 sl 171.9 ( One can hold this stock for short term as Nano euphoria will bring good news for this counter as Tata group is expecting booking to the tune of 5-6 Lakh vehicles).</p><p>Buy Moser Baer&gt;53.1,53.8,56.5 sl 49.8</p><p>Buy Aban&gt;401.1,418,425 sl 395.9</p><p>Buy BRFL&gt;145.1, 147.9,150 sl </p><p>Buy BHEL&gt;1501.1,1511,1521,1540 sl 1489.9</p><p>Buy ACC&gt;571.1,577,580 sl 565.9</p><p>Buy Nitin Fire&gt;175.1,177,180 sl 171.9</p><p>Buy TCS&gt;541.1,556,570 sl 536.9</p>


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