Is my Money Safe ???

Market will be neutral today as confusion on Dalal street still continues. US market has major influence on Indian investors. Indian banks are taking precaution and refusing to lend loan to foreign banks. Now common question which pop up's to every one's mind, " IS my Money Safe ??? " 
ICICI have given assurance to his investor and boosted confidence by making public announcements.  I hope Indian Bank watch there steps carefully and successfully avoid any problems. 
RBI are already taking all major precaution securing there stance for any financial Fall in India. 

Tip for Oct 1st 2008 : 

Bank of India>          291.1,296,300,307 sl 288.8
Buy BPCL>             364.1,370,380 sl 359.5
Buy ONGC>           1036.1,1065,1080 sl 1029.5


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