BHAGYANAGAR INDIA LTD Trading in BSE & NSE at 20.40/- in B Group. Target 45/- for short term & 95/- for Long Term. Safe Investment at 20.40/-.

BHAGYANAGR INDIA Ltd in the field of Cables – Telephone; Good dividend Paying Company.

Company Announced 30% dividend for 2007-2008 Financial Year. Every year giving 30% dividend. Book Value of this company was Rs. 30/- per share.

Company having nearly 765 Crores worth land bank in Hyderabad & Vizag; This equls to per share its coming around Rs. 105/- worth land.

And Bhagyanagar India Ltd has allotted 40,00,000 Equity Share Warrants at a price of Rs 90/- per share warrant convertible into Equity Shares on a Preferential Basis to M/s. Consolidated Securities Ltd.
Compared to that (Rs.90/-) Now shares available 80% discount. Any time it will touch 90/- (1 to 6 months time). So double your money within 6 months time.
So there is no risk at all.

If you have already, buy some more make average. This is company is doing very very good. Slowly grab this stock. Fundamental is very very good. Don’t Sell if you have Bhagyanagar India equities. Stay Invest and wait up to 45/- minimum for short period (2 months time).
Company Planning to Demerging of Infrastructure Bussiness. After demerger of this share you will get shares of free of cost because Now current rate was very very less compared to Annual results and Land Bank.

Daily grabbing with Company people and Hyderabad and Mumbai BIG BIG Bulls (Check the Delivery Positions in NSE and BSE daily above 7%) because of Now stock is available at very very cheep price at 19/- EPS 5.5/- expecting for this Annual financial, with PE 3.5 only. Now Trading All most all time low rate.

BHAGYANAGAR INDIA LTD at Rs. 19/- is with Good NET PROFIT With EPS 6/- for 2007-08. For the yare 2008 – 2009 First Quanrter Net Sales at 50.9 crores and Net profit was 4.4 Crores. Compare to previous quarters less net profit because The Company has incurred a loss of Rs 4.2 crores on account of unrealized foreign exchange fluctuation on FCCB. The same has been adjusted in this quarter.
Net margins of this company minimum 15% to 25%. SO if you caluculate minimum 15% it will come 7.5 crores net profit.
Company Projected Sales for 2008 – 2009 is 250 Crores and NetProfit is 42 Crores
Equity 14.9 Crores, Company Projected EPS for 2008-09 is 5.5/- with Net Profit 42 Crores. As per This PE only 3.5. Normally tele cables companies PE will be minimum 10. If we take PE 10 It will come 55/-.

BHAGYANAGAR INDIA LTD Company having nearly 765 Crores worth land bank in Hyderabad & Vizag; This equls to per share its coming around Rs. 105/- worth land.

Total Equity of 14.9 Crores . Promoters Holding 55%; Foreign Institutions 10.66%; Banks and Financial Institutions 2%; Corporate Bodies 4.16%; overseas corporate bodies 6%& Public only 22%. Check the BSEINDIA for Shareholding pattern.

Book Value of this Share was 30/-. Karvy has strongly recommending for this stock.

Recently Bhagyanagar India formed a joint venture company named `Surana Ventures` for setting up of solar photo voltaic cell and module project in partnership with its promoters and a group company named Surana Telecom. The JV plans to manufacture and sell the equipment required for generating solar energy. It will be an 80% export-oriented unit with substantial tax-benefits.Bhagyanagar India and Surana Telecom will hold 40% each in the Rs 3 bn project with the remaining 20% being held by the core promoters of the company".

Company Planning to Demerging of Infrastructure Bussiness.
Bhagyanagar India Ltd. is a Hyderabad based company which has forayed into real estate and infrastructure development to unlock the value of its existing land bank of 3 million square feet.
The new development projects include integrated residential townships, IT parks, and hardware parks. The present value of the undeveloped land bank and tenanted property of the company is Rs 6,160 mn.

The one million square feet technology park in Uppal is the likely to complete in 15 to 18 months. “Early next year we would have launched our housing project in Vizag in 52 acres, with 1.2 million sq ft.”

The revenues are likely to increase to Rs 3,591 mn in FY08 and Rs 5,021 mn in FY09 and the net profits likely to grow at a CAGR of 53.34% to Rs 936 mn by FY09. The company is valued at Rs 65/- a share with an upside of 257% from the current stock price of around Rs 19/-. “For the next 4-5 years we see the company grow at 40 to 50 percent and expect 150 crores in infrastructure sales next year,” said Narendra Surana, MD, Bhagyanagar India.

Outright sale of small parcels and development of residential townships, IT parks and hardware parks on the larger land parcels is the route that works best in Hyderabad, for the company. It plans to sell the residential constructions and retain portions of commercial properties for the reason of higher rental yield on the latter. Over 6 Mn Sqft of net saleable area is likely to be developed over the next five years. A tourism project representing miniature monuments in India, a multiproduct SEZ and a resort complex are at different stages of finalization.

The company is also keen on selling some of its unused land bank for which it is getting handsome price and subsequently investing the amount in development projects.

Estimated EPS for this year was 5.5/- (Annualised).
Company Proposed EPS for 2008-09 is 5.5/- Karvy & other brokerages also acquiring this stock.

Lot of Accumulating is going on last 9 days. Daily 75% to 90% delivery Positions.

See BHAGYANAGAR INDIA EQUITY VALUE (Per share value) : 105/- Land Value + 45/- original value as per financial results (5.5 EPS annulised)
So Total Value of this company Share value was Rs.150/-. Just Imagine company share price where to going in this year…… Just Buy at 19/- Hold 1 to 6 months time. You will get minimum 100% to 400% returns.Enter current price at 18/-Target 45/- 95/- .
Just invest and get 100% to 400% profit.

Possitive Points for this stock for Up moving:

1) Company doing very good with EPS 5.5/- PE only 3; Avialable very cheep at 19/-
2) Company Having good Land Bank in Hyderabad & Vizag i.e 765 crores worth land per share its coming Rs. 105/-
3) Book Value was 30/-
4) Good Dividend paying Company; Every year 30% Dividend giving.
5) Promoters Holding is good 55%

Enter current price at 19/- Short term Target 45/- Long Term Target 95/-
Strong Fundamentals. Just Buy at 19/- get 100% to 400% Profit.


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