The Indian Growth Story

We are riding on a biggest myth of the century - ‘The Indian Growth Story’. If one has to understand what growth mean, he / she needs to understand various aspects of - Social Reforms, Civic Reforms and Economic Reforms. In practice, every country that is developed as of today, they passed through this sequence:

1. Social Reforms: People became more aware about their social responsibilities. They developed respect for their own communities and nation. Greed started evaporating. Every person at ground level started understanding the society and paid respect to it. The legal framework were developed based on those Social reforms and enough protection were given to Citizens against all evils. Education was given highest priority in the society.

2. Civic Reforms: People started understanding the bad impacts of menace they kept creating around. They understood the importance of cleanliness, traffic discipline, security, infrastructure etc. They started undestanding the importance of circles covered by Police, Fire Brigade, Power utilities, Gardens, Play grounds, Schools, Hospitals, Water supply, sanitation etc. For these, the governments were absolutely depended on Tax incomes and citizens were aware about this fact. They paid the taxes very generously and government ensured that the tax money collected are best utilized. Utmost attention was paid to these features. The most important factor here in all those now developed countries was that THERE WAS NO CORRUPTION.

3. Economic Reforms: Once a level of Social and Civic reforms were achieved, governments could concentrate on Economic reforms. They started opening up new avenues of income for nation.

All these went in a spiral and the nation started developing.

Now, compare India. Our Society is a big mess. Nobody, repeat, nobody understands the Respect for others. Everybody is trying to fool around other people, for own survival. Our Legal framework is not available for ground level people.

The progress of Civilization in India is pathetic. Though we take proud in saying ‘Unity in diversity’, this diversity of Language, caste and race has create a huge chaos. Cleanliness is limited to own homes, in some cases. Traffic discipline - What is that? We take pride in jumping signals, overtaking vehicles unnecessarily and taking risks on road. Tax saving is an another name for shying away from paying taxes and government is always ready to prove that the tax money collected is going down the drain. Corruption is the part of normal life.

Finally, what we have done is opened our gates for Economic Reforms !!! Again this is absolutely thoughtless process which has gone into the system, without any good plan. This creating a huge distance between poor and rich. And we are taking proud in making some richest PERSONS on earth.

I think, we will continue to produce more richest persons on earth, but will never emerge as Rich nation.


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