Rel Power clarification on bonus issue eligibility

Mumbai, May 5 (UNI) Reliance Power Limited today clarified and reiterated that those holding shares of the Company as on June two are eligible to receive the bonus shares to be issued by the Company.

The Company, which had the world's largest shareholder community of 4.2 million, has in response to queries from investors and market participants said all shareholders of Reliance Power, who as per the Company's records hold shares as at the end of business hours on June 2, 2008, irrespective of whether such shares were subscribed by the shareholders in the Company's Initial Public Offering (IPO) or purchased/acquired from the secondary market or otherwise after the IPO, shall be eligible to receive the bonus Shares, it said.

Reliance Power will issue bonus shares in the ratio of three new equity shares of Rs 10 each for every five existing equity shares of Rs 10 each held, to the public shareholders of the Company.

On April 25, 2008, Reliance Power had intimated to the exchanges, the period of book closure being June 3 to June 5, 2008 for the purpose of determining the eligibility of Shareholders to receive bonus shares of the Company as per the Company's records as at the end of business hours on June 2, 2008


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