Mad Money recommended HCP; here is our take

Jim Crammer recommended HCP on his show on April 18 show for your retirement accounts ( 401K and IRA)

HCP, Inc. (HCP), Health Care Property Investors, Inc., is a real estate investment trust (REIT) focusing primarily on properties serving the healthcare industry. HCP is a self-administered REIT that invests directly or through joint ventures in healthcare facilities. The Company acquires, develop, lease, dispose and manage healthcare real estate and provide mortgage and other financing to healthcare providers.( More from Reuters »)
And here is the rest of it.

HCP is a high yield stock ideal for long term investment objective. The company's focus is in health care industry services. With the increase in baby boomer's population, HCP will see significant growth in near future. HCP has seen significant increase in its profit from about 400 million in 2006 to 700 million in 2007. Its PE is 14, which is typical for a high yield stock, and with a beta of 1.22 relates to lower risk to market volatility. The company has strong fundamentals and good business plan for the future, we recommend readers to buy this stock from a long term perspective. Buy HCP at $32 to $35.


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